Thursday, April 24, 2014

Give me a break.

It's "dead" week. 
And for an English major? That means "everything is due at the same time because we're English professors and we don't give real finals" week. 
So naturally, after reading about feminism and sexuality in Dracula and writing a 12-page response to an RFP...I needed a break. 
Life has been--well, actually, I don't know how life has been. It's been happening. That's the best I've got. I'll show you what life has been like lately. 

A lot of my sisters, a lot of my favorite boys, a lot of work, a lot of school. That's what I do--day in and day out. It's been overwhelming lately, and for the last three weeks I've been on the verge of every kind of breakdown [or at least that's what it feels like]. But it's life. And I'm lucky to be where I am with the people I am doing what I am. 

Happy Dead Week, Finals Week, whatever you want to call it week, lovelies! 

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