Sunday, August 25, 2013

Here's to summer.

Here's to new adventures, new jobs, and new apartments.
Here's to tiki masks, dance parties, midnight movies on LoveSacs, and trading hoodies. 
Here's to hours of night games, hiding under bunk beds, inside showers, and behind closet doors. 
Here's to riding on a mattress in the back of the Suburban, jumping off cliffs, and swinging on ropes.
Here's to best friend alerts, the Twerk Team, and a summer fling. 
Here's to a thousand McDonald's runs, sushi nights, and a dozen trips to PacSun. 
Here's to too many people in a car, being Beyonce's staff in Ikea, and dysfunctional family dinners.
Here's to paint twister, lunch dates, and campus golf.
Here's to freshmen stalkers, staff sanities, and finding a thousand and one ways to wear grey t-shirts. 
Here's to road trips, Dirty Dr. Peppers, sugar cookies, and Friends marathons. 
Here's to fountain swimming, statue climbing, hallway dancing, and firework mishaps.
Here's to 7 am meetings, 21 hour work days, and double jobs.
Here's to midnight drives, the Fourth of July in Huntsville, and JT jam sessions.
Here's to this summer, the memories made to tide us over until next year, and the friends that came with the summer.
Here's to summer, and here's to us. 

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