Thursday, March 28, 2013

Sounds like a memory.

This week will probably go down in history as the most flawless week in the history of the world. The sun has been shining every day, school has been actually making sense, and I've just decided that life is wonderful. In Institute the other day, our teacher put up a quote that said,
  color your tomorrows with the best of your yesterdays.
And I guess I liked it a lot. Because the things I remember about my yesterdays make all my tomorrows better. I hate when people say things like, "forget the past, you don't live there." Yes, it is good to move on. And being human, I've made a lot of really, really, really dumb decisions. But I've also made a lot of really, really, really good ones. And I don't want to forget any of the good choices I made. 

Like choosing to go to Utah State. 
And room with these girls. 
Or making these boys my best friends. 

Because between these kids and high school, I've had a pretty stellar existence. Some of my favorite memories revolve around these people, and I'm so glad I can call them my friends. 
Along those same lines...I love the ability our brains have to remember things when we catch a certain scent, or hear a song, or see a place. 
I love how the smell of Burberry London takes me back to the summer of my sophomore year and my first date. 
I love how listening to E.T. by Katy Perry makes me feel like I'm driving down Main Street in Farmington. 
I love how the smell of chlorine takes me back to babysitting Daniel and Will McKay at Cherry Hill or another late-night pool party at Bronson's. 
I love how driving past Cemetery Park reminds me of heart to hearts with all my friends and some of the best talks I've ever had.
I love how the taste of soy sauce makes me feel like I'm at Mandarin Friday and am digging through my purse for the "four dolla for you..."
I love how listening to Taylor Swift's Speak Now album sounds like I'm driving to a hockey game in Bountiful. 
I love how walking through Logan with the sun shining, and the sounds of spring starting to come out reminds me of how incredibly lucky I am to be where I am. 
Because with a view like this, there's a lot to be happy about. 

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love you Ash. You are an amazing writer and to tell you the truth, choosing to room with you has been one of the best decisions of my life. hands down. LOVE YOU!


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