Friday, March 7, 2014

Friday Confessions: Here comes the sun.

I'll be working, sleeping, working out, working, and working some more during this week of school. I'm the biggest party animal of them all. 

1. I laughed way too hard at this. 
2. I'm more concerned about the fact that I haven't dyed my hair in over six months than I am with the fact that it's actually a concern. 
3. Not only have I listened to John Legend's "All of Me" approximately 350 times this week...the only time I've turned it off was when I turned on the "All of Me" Pandora station. 
4. I'd go insane without these two. Because not only are we obviously the prettiest people in existence, they put up with my crap basically 24/7. They let me talk their ears off, listen to a million pointless stories, they don't get mad when I distract them from work for an hour (whoops), and they manage to make me feel like the most important person on the planet. 

5. I woke up early the other morning to go on a run, and decided to take a drive up to my favorite lookout spot instead. I went to class looking a little bit homeless--but it was one of the best mornings I've had in a really long time. 
6. I've taken about a million BuzzFeed quizzes in the last couple weeks. My Patronus is a Phoenix, my style icon is Audrey Hepburn (DUH), I should be living in a house over-looking the beach, and my college major should really be marketing. Obviously, it was time well spent. 
7. Because even after clicking repeat for the fifth time since starting this post, I'm still so obsessed with this song it's unreal. So here's this. For your viewing enjoyment. 

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