Sunday, December 7, 2014

It's a special day.

It's not every day you meet a superhero--and it's an even more rare occasion when that superhero truly changes your life. 

Today is a special day. According to the City of Kaysville, today is Bret Frodsham day.
It's a day honoring our favorite lawn-care expert, neighborhood cowboy, Mo-Tab blasting motorcycler, and our neighborhood Superman. 
Bret is one of our closest family friends, and has been fighting Mesothelioma for over a year.
Despite his own battles, Bret manages to be a superhero for everyone around him [especially my littlest sisters]. He throws the best neighborhood movie nights, hosts the ward choir, and brings a special kind of love with him everywhere he goes. 
So last night, we gathered over 200 people who loved Bret, and threw him the birthday party to beat all birthday parties. 
And as we celebrated Bret and everything he does for us, I learned a little bit from this hero of mine:
Everything is in God's hands--and we have to be okay with that. It's not always easy, and it's not always what we want to do, but it's His will. 
There's always something worth fighting for. As Bret put it, he's going to fight this cancer like it's never been fought before--so why shouldn't we do the same in everything we're doing?

My heart's all sorts of mixed up right now. It can't decide if it's broken or full or empty or happy tonight. Cancer sucks. It breaks hearts and is no respecter of persons--it leaves this wake of tears and heartache and no one ever truly wins. But nights like tonight push those shadows away for a minute, because it's hard not to feel a tiny bit invincible as 200 people sing Auld Lang Syne and God Be With You Til We Meet Again to show support for a man you can't help but love.

Today, I'm grateful for neighbors who are more like family and personal superheroes that give us reasons to keep fighting. I'm grateful for examples of endurance, faith, and hope. I'm grateful for people who prove that even in the midst of heartbreak, there's a little bit of light in the darkness. 
And today, December 7th, Bret Frodsham day, I'm grateful for our personal Superman.
If you don't know Bret, "you ain't seen nothing yet." 


I'd love to hear what you think about what I have to say. Thanks for stopping by!