Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Falling to pieces.

Every semester, I try and take one class that is solely for enjoyment. 
It might have nothing to do with my major, might be a credit I don't necessarily need, or it might just be fun. 
This semester, I'm taking a class called Dress and Humanity--that's basically 50 minutes of discussion about fashion, style, and clothes. 
Probably the most interesting class I've ever taken. 
Our first project was to design an article of clothing for a "Recycle & Redesign" fashion show. 
So naturally, Hayley and I bought 3,500 puzzle pieces from the DI, a $6 dress, 100 hot glue sticks, and what seemed like a million feet of fishing line. 
We spent three days gluing puzzle pieces to said fishing line--while singing along to High School Musical--and decided we never want to see another puzzle piece as long as we live. 
But after winning BEST IN SHOW, we may rethink that. Out of 70 entries, ours got the top award. 
And here's us in the Statesman this morning. 
For a Plant Science major and an English Literature major, we felt pretty cool to win a fashion design show. 
But really, I'd be perfectly alright if I never saw a puzzle piece again. And my hands will thank me if I don't use a hot glue gun for a while. 

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