Wednesday, September 26, 2012

This could be the best day of my life.

There's a real post with some college-ish stuff coming tomorrow, but for now? Here's the best thing that   has EVER happened to me. Ever. Here's the long version of the story. In 8th/9th gradeish, I got completely obsessed with a band called Mayday Parade. Then, to my utter dismay, they broke up. Kind of. The two lead singers, Jason Lancaster and Derek Sanders had a fight. Jason started his own band...Mayday went their own way. And it was the best thing to happen to music, in the history of the world. Because Go Radio? Ten bazillion times better than Mayday. [Hate to say it, fellas, but it's true.] And I have this almost freakish obsession with Go Radio. They released their new album, Close the Distance last week, and that is seriously the only thing that Emi and I have listened to in our apartment since. 
But back to tonight. Go Radio is currently touring with Safetysuit--who we are now complete and total fans of. So we got tickets to the concert, and waited in line for three hours to get a place on the FRONT ROW. Let's just say if I hadn't reached obsessive fan-girl status before, I definitely have now. 
This right here is Jason Lancaster singing Goodnight Moon. And if you haven't already heard it, you should. Because it's beautiful. And they play it at the end of every show. 
Also, during our rotation with the Safetysuit super fans behind us, I found one of Jason's guitar picks that he'd thrown and no one had caught. So now? I have his signature on my phone (from when we went to their concert in May) and a guitar pick that I watched him perform with. Ahhhh. It's a good day in Ashleytown. 
After Safetysuit was done playing, we waited in line to meet the greatest band on the planet. So here's me, and my best friend with Steven, Matt, Alex, and Jason. [Notice how we're all totally touching, and imagine the high fives and handshakes that came after. YAYYYYY.]
Sidenote: This afternoon, Hailee texted me saying that she'd seen them all at Gateway. I was super jealous, she hardcore stalked them and creep-pic-ed for a little bit. And then, when we're taking this picture, Alex (He's the one between me and Emi) says, "Hey! We saw you at Gateway!" Ladies and gents, the band remembered my best friend. We're kind of a big deal. Also, Emi caught Alex's sweat towel. And he noticed. [Seriously the grossest object that has ever been in my car. Or within a mile of me. Who wants a hand towel soaked with Alex's sweat???]
The moral of the story is that today was a very, very, very, VERY good day. Like my shirt says....when it comes to "Go Radio or Go Home," I will Go Radio, EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

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